K. J. Popma

Klaas Jan Popma (1903-1986) was part of the second generation of reformational scholars. He was born in The Hague. From 1928-1955 he taught classical languages in Gymnasium (high school). He received his doctorate in classical languages from University of Leiden in 1931, his supervisor was B A Groningen.

From 1954 he held the Chair of Reformational philosophy in Utrecht and Groningen. He retired in 1974.

Popma was succeeded at Utrecht and Groningen by Jan Dengerink.

A full bibliography of Popma by L. Derksen and A. M. Petersen (Uitgave Filosofosch Instituit VU, 1977) is available here [pdf – off site]

Some of his work, in Dutch, is available here 

Scriptural Reflections on History (translated by Harry van Dyke) Wordbridge Publishing, 2020.

The aim of this book is to point to the splendour of the structure that God has built, to history in its unity and course. He who learns to see something of that splendour will foster a burning interest for what has happened and is still happening and will happen. He will be afraid of nothing so much as the danger of shutting oneself up in a spiritual prison that makes it impossible to see the real history, even if such a prison displays the finest inscriptions over its entrance and is comfortably and even luxuriously furnished. Nor will he become discouraged when he discovers that history is full of injustice. For he knows that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied (p. 133).


1903 born in The Hague, Netherlands.

1928-1955 taught classical languages in Gymnasium (high school) in Apeldoorn.

1931 received a doctorate in classical languages from the University of Leiden.

1936 Classical, human, and cynic published in Philosophia Reformata.

1954 Chair of Christian philosophy in Utrecht and Groningen.

Select Publications

1936. ‘Classical, human, and cynic’ Philosophia Reformata

1988. A Battle for Righteousness: The Message of the Book of Job, transl. J. Van Meggelen (Originally published by Essence: Ontario)

1973. Patristic evaluation of culture Philosophia Reformata 38 (1973), p. 97-113.

Levensbeschouwing (View of Life) – a seven-volume reflection on the Heidelberg Catechism

2020. Scriptural Reflections on History (Wordbridge, 2020)

On Popma

H. Hart “Popma” in : Campbell Campbell-Jack and Gavin J. McGrath (ed.) New Dictionary Of Christian Apologetics (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2006).

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