Arthur Jones

Arthur Jones (1946-2021) holds a doctorate in biology (1972) for a thesis exploring alternatives to materialistic evolution [aka Darwinism] in the field of origins.  Until he retired in 2018, he was (from 1976) a Chartered Biologist (CBiol), a member of the Royal Society of Biology (MRSB).  

During a teaching career spanning forty years, he has been a college science lecturer, schoolteacher, teacher trainer and the headteacher of a pioneering Christian school in Bristol.  

From 1995-97, he was a part-time lecturer in science and religion in the Faculty of Continuing Education, Birkbeck CollegeUniversity of London and from 1996-97 in the Department for Continuing Education, University of Bristol.  His science and religion courses won two Templeton awards.  

From 2000 to 2013 he wrote and taught worldview-based courses for Christian professionals, accredited by three more UK universities (University of Wales, LampeterUniversity of Wales, Bangor, and York St Johns), at both graduate and postgraduate levels.  

He was also a Research Consultant for Curriculum Development to the Christian Schools’ Trust and authored Science in Faith: A Christian Perspective on Teaching Science (CST, December 1998).  He has also authored No Home & Alone: A School Programme on Homelessness (Global Concern, 1999), and Is Creationism a Science Stopper?, a chapter in John Ashton (ed), In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation (New Holland, 1999).  

His last paid employment was as Tutor with Responsibility for Co-ordination and Development of the Foundation Degree in Evangelism, Mission Based Training, Church Army, Sheffield.  In Education he was also a member of the Movement for Christian Democracy‘s Education Policy Group from 1991 to 1997.  After several changes of sponsoring organisations, this group became the Education Commission of the UK Evangelical Alliance, of which Arthur was a founding member in 2013.  From 2004-2011 he was a Trustee (and Company Director) of the Association of Christian Teachers (ACT,, and was the Chair from 2007-2011.  He was a member of the Scientific Panel of Truth in Science (TiS, and a trustee of the Manchester Centre for the Study of Christianity and Islam (MCSCI, based at the Manchester Nazarene Theological College (NTC,

A tribute to Arthur can be found here


Christian education part 1: which story, whose story?”  slides

Christian education part 2: culture of death” slides

Christian education part 3: life or death” slides

Christian professional training for practitioners” (version 14)

An introduction to intelligent design” 

Islam and Christianity (2020)

Islam: An Introduction (2020)

Living and Working with Purpose: Our Ordinary Everyday Lives and Work are an Essential Part of God’s Story and Mission (2014) 

Discipleship and Mission for the Modern World: How to make it happen in church (2015) 

Biology – a critique of naturalist science  (2019) slides

Animal variation – does it prove evolution? (revised 2019) slides

Secularisation in Education (2019)

Thematic Bible Interpretation: The Framework Theme that Creates a Structure for the Whole Bible (2020)

Thematic Bible Interpretation: The Bible’s Core Theme – Enlarging the Family of God (2020)


Science in Faith: An Outline of a Christian Approach to the Sciences. Christian Schools’ Trust, 1998.

Online version © 2014 Dr Arthur Jones  

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